Tournaments is a simple Android app written in Jetpack Compose.
It can be used for keeping track of tournaments containing multiple games played with multiple players. At the moment, it can be used best with croquet (or similar sports).
I am currently converting the app to a Compose Multiplatform app to be able to also use it on a desktop.
The easiest way is to install it from the Google Play Store.
If you want to try the latest, unstable version, clone the GitHub repository and install and run it like this.
When first opening the app, you will see the list of all tournaments (will be empty for now, so you just see a little hint). To change some settings, tap the settings icon in the top right corner. To see some information about the app, tap the i. For import and export functionality, tap the three dots and then your desired option. To add a new tournament, tap the + in the bottom right corner. To view an existing tournament, tap on its name. To edit an existing tournament, tap the pen on the right side.
Inside the settings screen, there are two sections: one for general, behavioral settings (App) and one for some presets for new tournaments.
If you want to add a new tournament or edit an existing one, you will see the “Edit tournament” screen. Here, you can change the name, start and end date and point system of the tournament. When creating a new tournament,you need to define the players and you can decide if you want to use the presets from the settings page for the players and the point system. To create the tournament or submit the changes, tap the tick in the top right corner. To delete the tournament, tap the bin.
When viewing an existing tournament, you see the list of all games in the tournament and the current ranking on the second page. To edit the tournament, tap the pen in the top right corner. To export only this tournament to a file, tap the arrow pointing up. To add a game, tap the + in the bottom right corner. To view an existing game, tap on its name. To edit an existing game, tap the pen on the right side. On the second page: to add a player to the tournament, tap the + in the bottom right corner. To view a player’s game history, tap on their name. To edit or delete an existing player, tap the three dots on the right side.
If you want to add a new game or edit an existing one, you will see the “Edit game” screen. On the first page, you can change the date, number of total and reached hoops and the difficulty. On the second page, you can edit the ranking for this game. If you don’t select a player, they will be assumed absent. Spaces between players don’t matter. To create the game or submit the changes, tap the tick in the top right corner. To delete the game, tap the bin.
How it works
On the Android app, the settings are stored using Datastore and the tournaments are stored using Room. When exporting/importing tournaments, GSON is used to convert the data to JSON. For navigation between different screens, Decompose is used. Strings are retrieved using Moko resources. Accompanist is used to adjust the color of the system bars (navigation and status bar).